Ubuntu搭建Server - PPPoE

本文介绍在Ubuntu系统上搭建PPPoE Server的过程, 此处仅对基本安装及设置作介绍, 更多详细内容请查阅相关资料。
System: Ubuntu 10.04 Desktop
Package: pppoe
1. 安装所需软件包。
可以在Ubuntu Software Center中安装pppoe, Shell中用命令apt-get install pppoe(此软件包源码就是rp-pppoe, 本来是一个Linxu下的PPPoE拨号Client, 但也有包含PPPoE Server功能)即可, 可能会根据依赖关系安装其他软件包(如lib6c和ppp).
2. 配置PPPoE Server。
1) 创建PPPoE Server配置文件/etc/ppp/pppoe-server-options
此文件中常用的几个参数如下所述,由于我自己也没有用过其他参数, 甚至不知道是否还有其他可以配置的参数, 故而更多参数请搜索其他资料。
实际上该配置文件的内容是启动PPPoE Server时PPP需要的参数, 此文件内容在PPPoE Server启动时会自动通过pty参数传递给pppd进程。
require-pap, 设置PPPoE Server接受pap认证方式
require-chap, 设置PPPoE Server接受chap认证方式
login, 设置了此参数, 则要求认证所用的账户及密码要存在于Ubuntu系统中, 也就是说要同时在系统和/etc/ppp/chap-secrets或/etc/ppp/pap-secrets中都添加相同的用户信息。我自己的Server中将此参数注释掉。
lcp-echo-interval, 设置LCP echo间隔时间(秒)。
lcp-echo-failure, 设置多久(秒)未成功完成LCP echo request以及LCP echo reply就断开连接(这个参数效果我没有测试过)。
ms-dns, 指定PPPoE Server给Client分配的DNS。
lcp-echo-interval 10
lcp-echo-failure 20
2) 添加PPPoE连接账户信息
打开文件/etc/ppp/chap-secrets, 按照说明文件添加一个用户信息。第二字段server最好设置为*, 否则在PPPoE连接时必须输入正确的server name(默认为主机名, 也可以在运行pppoe-server时用-C参数指定)。第一个字段为用户名, 第三个字段是密码, 最后一个字段指定允许的IP地址范围(直接设置成*即可)。
如果是pap认证方式, 需要在/etc/ppp/pap-secrets中添加用户信息。
3) PPPoE Server的启动
PPPoE Server安装配置完成后不会自动在/etc/init.d/目录下生成相应的管理脚本, 需要从Shell中手动启动, 相关的用法可以查看pppoe-server的帮助文档(man pppoe-server), 主要的参数如下:
-I, 指定需要作PPPoE Server的接口
-L, 指定PPP连接中Server的IP地址
-R, 指定PPP连接中分配给Client的IP地址起始值
-N, 指定PPP连接中可分配给Client的最大IP个数, 起始值由-R指定
-O, 指定pppoe-server的配置文件位置, 默认为/etc/ppp/pppoe-server-options, 如果有其他文件作配置的话, 可以通过此参数指定, 一般不用加这个参数。
Start: pppoe-server -I eth0 -L -R -N 20
Stop: killall pppoe-server
Restart: 参考Stop和Start

Guide Wifi Ad Hoc Working Samsung 10.1v

Hi Guys,

I have just gotten Wifi Ad Hoc connection working in the Samsung 10.1v (don't see why it won't work on the 10.1 either)

You need to have adb installed and your Tablet needs to be rooted.

I used 2 threads as reference for making this work:


As a newbie to this i will show you what i did, maybe someone can clean up the process with a simple approach:

You need to turn on Airplane mode to disable wifi, or you will get an error when trying to copy the wpa_supplicant file later on in the instructions...

I had trouble with the adb push command (shown in the above threads) so I did this instead.
Unzip and copy wpa_supplicant file (attached) to Tablet (I used downloads directory)

Get ES File Explorer from Market
Open ES File Explorer and in settings menu select Root options.
Set Root Explorer and use HiAPK
Then Tick Mount File System, then exit menu and navigate to /system/bin and copy wpa_supplicant to somewhere safe (I made backup directory in storage/ sd memory)
Now copy new wpa_supplicant file from where you saved it (downloads directory) to /system/bin

Now in windows command box type:
adb shell
# su
# mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
# chmod 755 /system/bin/wpa_supplicant
# chown system.wifi /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
# exit

Now reboot and turn off airplane mode and enjoy.

Usual conditions if you follow this and something bad happens please don't blame me i used the above method (with trial and error) which worked for me (but maybe i just got lucky)
Also I want to acknowledge the hard working devs that pioneered the process and created the file - great work!!

Good luck...

Song Tao
Fiberhome  Technology

[GUIDE] How to Root the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 [Video Walkthrough]

A big thanks to RoboBear, tphillips, Lorddeff07, and anyone else that has helped make this happen.

I try to make my guides simple and straightforward so that the average user can root their device. I show every detail and walk you through the process. This guide is a complete video walkthrough on how to root the Galaxy Tab 10.1 WiFi with edits based on the issues that some may run into with previous guides. Without further ado, let's get started!


Just download, do not install or run anything yet.

This method is done on Windows. I recommend this way as its the easiest. If you don't have Windows, borrow from a friend.

◄●Downloading Files and Installing Drivers●►

  1. Download the root.zip I have linked.
  2. Extract the zip file by right clicking and selecting "Extract All," or by using an extracting program of your choice.
  3. Open the folder and double click the driver file labeled "GT-p7510_USB_Driver_v1_3_2360_0-Escape.exe"
  4. Install the driver. Its pretty much just Next, Next, Install, and Exit when its done.

◄●Connecting the Device●►
  1. Turn on USB Debugging by going to Settings>Applications>Development and checking USB debugging. Click Okay to confirm
  2. Power off the device by holding the power button and selecting Power off
  3. Put the device into Downloading mode
    1. Hold the Vol Down button (the left Volume button) and then hold the Power button as well.
    2. Keep holding until you see two icons. First you'll see the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 logo and then the icons will show up. Let go.
    3. Press the Vol Up button (the right Volume button) to select Downloading mode.
  4. Connect the device to your computer with the USB cable.

◄●Flashing a Custom Recovery●►
  1. Go into the same root folder as before.
  2. Double click the root application named "Odin3_v1.85.exe"
  3. Select PDA
  4. Double click the clockworkmod recovery file labeled "recovery-cwm_4.0.0.4-sam-tab-10.1.tar.md5" to select it.
  5. Click Start
  6. Once it is complete, you can close the program

◄●Completing the Root●►
  1. Disconnect your USB cable
  2. On your device, turn off USB Debugging by going to Settings>Applications>Development and unchecking USB debugging
  3. Plug your USB cable back in
  4. On your computer, go to the same root folder as before and transfer the zip file labeled "Samsung_Galaxy_Tab_10.1_root.zip" to your device. Don't put it inside any folder.
  5. Confirm that it was transferred by clicking inside the device folder
  6. Power off the device by holding the power button and selecting Power off
  7. Put the device into Recovery mode
    1. Hold the Vol Down button (the left Volume button) and then hold the Power button as well.
    2. Keep holding until you see two icons. First you'll see the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 logo and then the icons will show up. Let go.
    3. Press the Vol Down button (the left Volume button) to highlight the left icon.
    4. Press the Vol Up button (the right Volume button) to select Recovery mode.
  8. You should see that you are in ClockworkMod Recovery. If not, start over
  9. Use the volume buttons to highlight "Install zip from SD card" and hit the Power button to select it.
  10. Use the volume buttons to highlight "Choose zip from SD card" and hit the Power button to select it.
  11. Use the volume buttons to highlight "Samsung_Galaxy_Tab_10.1_root.zip" and hit the Power button to select it.
  12. Use the volume buttons to highlight "Yes - Install..." and hit the Power button to select it.
  13. When it finishes, the last line should say "Install from sdcard complete."
  14. Use the volume buttons to highlight "*****Go Back*****" and hit the Power button to select it.
  15. Hit the Power button to select "reboot system now"
  16. Your device will reboot

You're now rooted!