Guide Wifi Ad Hoc Working Samsung 10.1v

Hi Guys,

I have just gotten Wifi Ad Hoc connection working in the Samsung 10.1v (don't see why it won't work on the 10.1 either)

You need to have adb installed and your Tablet needs to be rooted.

I used 2 threads as reference for making this work:


As a newbie to this i will show you what i did, maybe someone can clean up the process with a simple approach:

You need to turn on Airplane mode to disable wifi, or you will get an error when trying to copy the wpa_supplicant file later on in the instructions...

I had trouble with the adb push command (shown in the above threads) so I did this instead.
Unzip and copy wpa_supplicant file (attached) to Tablet (I used downloads directory)

Get ES File Explorer from Market
Open ES File Explorer and in settings menu select Root options.
Set Root Explorer and use HiAPK
Then Tick Mount File System, then exit menu and navigate to /system/bin and copy wpa_supplicant to somewhere safe (I made backup directory in storage/ sd memory)
Now copy new wpa_supplicant file from where you saved it (downloads directory) to /system/bin

Now in windows command box type:
adb shell
# su
# mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
# chmod 755 /system/bin/wpa_supplicant
# chown system.wifi /data/misc/wifi/wpa_supplicant.conf
# exit

Now reboot and turn off airplane mode and enjoy.

Usual conditions if you follow this and something bad happens please don't blame me i used the above method (with trial and error) which worked for me (but maybe i just got lucky)
Also I want to acknowledge the hard working devs that pioneered the process and created the file - great work!!

Good luck...

Song Tao
Fiberhome  Technology
